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Cookie Policy

Do you need to adjust your privacy policy for using Segmentify?

If your business is operating from within the European Union, or if your online store offers goods or services towards customers who are located in the European Union, then you’ll need to adjust your privacy policy to comply with European Union (EU) laws.  Also pursuant to Data Protection Law numbered 6698 (“Law”), the provisions of the Law shall apply to natural persons whose personal data are processed and natural or legal persons who process such data wholly or partly by automatic means or otherwise than by automatic means which form part of a filing system. These laws require websites to obtain consent from end users prior to storing or accessing data on a website visitor’s computer for marketing or analytics purposes. These regulations are designed to help your website visitors protect their privacy, and determine how information about their online behaviour is used by others.

Under the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Law, such consent must be freely given, informed, clear and unambiguous. This means that you must provide a clear and concise explanation about the purpose the cookies serve, and the user must consent, by means of an affirmative action, to the use of cookies as explained. Further, because it is no longer possible to rely on implied consent, we recommend that cookies only be dropped after the user has indicated his or her consent. In addition, the GDPR prohibits website owners from making access to a website subject to consent, and we recommend and clearly communicating such opt-out option to the user.

Please note that the legal requirements related to cookies may differ in the individual member states of the European Union, depending on the national implementation of the e-Privacy Directive. Further, local authorities may take different positions with respect to certain elements of European privacy laws. Segmentify does not provide legal advice on the implementation of the Segmentify service into your website, and we strongly recommend seeking legal counsel in the event you are unsure about the legal requirements in your jurisdiction.

Cookie Banner

Segmentify recommends placing a prominent notice on your website (a so-called “cookie banner”) which explains that the website uses cookies, asks the user for consent and provides a link to your cookie policy and opt-out options. Such cookie notice may read as follows:

“This website uses cookies for analytics, personalisation and advertising.  Click here [Insert Link to cookie Statement] to learn more about our use of cookies and about your options to reject cookies. By [clicking on “I agree”], you agree to our use of cookies.”

Cookie Statement

For your Cookie Policy, you may add the following section to inform your visitors about the use of cookies in relation to Segmentify.

Example Cookie Policy Section:

This website uses Segmentify, a web-based service operated by Segmentify GmbH (Germany) Rheinsberger Str. 76/77 10115 Berlin, on our behalf. Segmentify is a cloud service for use in websites. Segmentify collects and analyses the behaviour of users in websites, enabling it to automatically calculate and display different types of intelligent product recommendations and other content. Segmentify uses cookies which are stored on your computer and which allow an analysis of the use of the website by you by collecting information about your browsing behaviour, your interest in our products, technical information about the device you use to access our website, such as operating system, browser language and version, timestamp), and information about the larger geographic region from which you access our website.  Segmentify will anonymise IP addresses prior to processing. If you do not want to receive Segmentify cookies, you can opt-out by clicking on the following link: