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Increase AOV with recommendations

Offering personalised product recommendations will increase revenue and optimise customer experiences.

prefer relevant recommendations.

Keep customers engaged and decrease bounce rates.

Offer relevant and accurate recommendations based on their purchasing behaviour and ease their shopping experience.

Save hours of manual work with AI-powered recommendations.

Save time and eliminate operational costs with Segmentify’s adaptive algorithm that generates the most relevant recommendations.

Increase AOV and retention rate.

Recommend a set of relevant products all at once, both on the product and basket pages.

Customer satisfaction is vital for increasing customer lifetime value.

Adapt to customer needs quickly based on their behaviour and actions with a series of recommendations throughout their journey and optimise the customer experience.

Stay informed about the campaign status and success rate.

Benefit from Segmentify Analytics' real-time insights into your website. Use the data to create new campaigns, extend successful ones and modify or stop a campaign.

Try it out on your own for free today