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eCommerce Product Badges Best Practices

Tired of products getting lost in the shuffle? 

Wish your customers could discover the perfect item faster and make confident buying decisions with ease?

It is time you discover the power of product badges—a simple yet highly effective way to grab attention, highlight key features, and influence buying decisions.

What’s Inside?

  • 12 Powerful Product Badge Types: Explore a diverse arsenal of badges to suit your specific needs.
  • Industry-Specific Inspiration: Discover real-world examples across various industries to ignite your creativity.
  • Expert Tips & Strategies: Learn how to effectively use product badges, including placement, design, and messaging.
  • Psychological Insights: Understand why these product badges work and how they influence customer behaviour.

7 Compelling Reasons to Embrace Product Badging

  • Effortless Product Discovery: Guide customers effortlessly to the products they need and desire.
  • Streamlined Decision-Making: Empower faster purchases with clear product highlights.
  • Differentiation at a Glance: Showcase unique features that set you apart from the competition.
  • Psychological Triggers Unleashed: Tap into the power of scarcity, urgency, and social proof to influence buying decisions.
  • Enhanced Brand Reliability: Build trust and credibility with badges that showcase certifications or awards.
  • Click-Through Rates on Fire: Watch your click-through rates surge with eye-catching and informative badges.
  • Conversions Through the Roof: Convert browsers into buyers with strategically placed product badges.

Don’t miss out on this valuable resource! Get your free copy of the eCommerce Product Badges Best Practices playbook today and start optimising your catalogue.

Screenshot from the Segmentify Playbook showcasing two product badge variations for discounts. One badge displays the saved amount, while the other shows the final basket price. A tip recommends A/B testing these badges to see which drives higher conversions.
Image source: Segmentify

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