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Cost-per-Click (CPC)

Cost-per-Click (CPC) is an online advertising model where an advertiser pays the publisher based on the number of clicks they get. It is a way of driving traffic to a website rather than earning traffic organically. CPC is a popular model used in various forms of online advertising, including search engine advertising (like Google Ads), social media advertising (like Facebook Ads), and display advertising.

In the CPC model, advertisers bid on keywords or ad placements, and the cost they pay per click is determined by various factors like competition for the same keywords or ad space, the quality and relevance of their ads, and the targeting options they choose. In other words, the higher the competition for a particular keyword or placement, the higher the CPC will be.

The main objective of CPC advertising is to direct traffic to a website or landing page. By paying for each click, advertisers can entice potential customers to visit their website, enhance brand visibility, generate leads, and promote particular products or services. CPC serves as an efficient method for reaching a specific audience and accomplishing specific marketing goals.

However, CPC does not guarantee high conversion rates. To maximise the return on investment (ROI) from their CPC campaigns, advertisers must still focus on optimising their ads, landing pages, and overall conversion funnel. By fine-tuning these elements, advertisers can improve the effectiveness of their campaigns and ensure that they achieve the best possible results in terms of generating conversions and achieving their desired outcomes.