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Non-click Behavioural Data

Non-click behavioural data refers to a school of analytics that analyses how people behave online without considering what they click on, such as hovering over an image, scrolling down a page etc. It includes user behaviour such as scrolling, hovering, time spent on a page, and the items viewed or added to the cart, among others. This type of data is essential to gain insights into the user’s intent, preferences, and behaviour on a website.

Analysing non-click data allows businesses to optimise their website design, improve user experience, and increase conversions. For example, tracking the time spent on a particular page can indicate the level of interest in the content or product, and optimising the page layout or content can increase engagement and reduce bounce rates. By collecting and analysing non-click behavioural data, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers and make data-driven decisions to improve their online presence.