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Why Choose Segmentify? Learn About the PersonaClick Alternative

Considering switching to a PersonaClick alternative? Compare Segmentify and PersonaClick to discover how Segmentify is the marketing platform for all your personalisation, engagement, and optimisation needs.

Key Features: Why Use Segmentify as a PersonaClick Alternative for Data-Driven Marketing?

Segmentify emerges as a solid alternative to PersonaClick, providing detailed and actionable real-time analytics reporting compatible with attribution modelling.

I. Session-Based Attribution

No more inflated numbers or misleading data. Segmentify uses session-based attribution, giving you a transparent view of what’s driving sales so you can focus your efforts on the most effective channels.

Revenue is attributed to the marketing touchpoint that directly led to the sale within the same session. Namely, Segmentify credits revenue only when a purchase happens in the same session a customer interacts with a promotion (like a widget or search bar).

II. Real-Time Analytics

Forget waiting 72 days for website data updates. Segmentify Analytics is a game-changer, delivering real-time analytics in just 30 minutes and giving you a massive advantage over any other marketing platform in the market. Get more information on Segmentify Analytics.

III. An Internal Search Box Like No Other

Segmentify’s search isn’t just a search box—it’s a conversion powerhouse.

  • Native search box design: The internal search box will integrate smoothly with your website/app’s design, ensuring a familiar and user-friendly interface.
  • Algorithm flexibility: Choose the ranking algorithm that best suits your goals, whether it’s prioritising trending products, user popularity, or personalised recommendations.
  • Real-time personalisation: Leverage the Searchandising feature to adjust results based on user interactions dynamically. Showcase products relevant to their preferences, boosting engagement and conversions.

Real-Time Analytics
Predictive Analytics
Internal Search Box Personalisation
Searchandising (Personalised Search Results)
Customer Data Profiling
Social Proof☑️
Website Personalisation☑️
Web Push Notifications☑️
Personalised Recommendations☑️
Personalised Emails☑️
Automated Emails☑️
Triggered Emails☑️
Mobile Personalisation☑️
A/B Testing☑️
Multi-Language Support☑️
API Integration☑️
JS Integration☑️

Why Should You Choose Segmentify as Your Personalised Marketing Platform?

Sometimes, it’s the smallest details that make the biggest difference. Consider what you want from a personalised marketing platform.

Dedicated Account Management Support

Our team isn’t just here to answer questions about the platform. They’re invested in your growth:

  • They will collaborate with you to craft quarterly Growth Plans tailored to your specific goals.
  • In-depth Opportunity Analyses (OPAN) uncover hidden potential within your customer data, empowering you to unlock new growth opportunities.
  • Regular check-ins keep you on track and ensure you get the most out of our platform.

Technical Support at Lightning Speed

We take pride in providing prompt and professional assistance to keep your operation running at peak performance. Our team of experts is readily available to address your technical inquiries promptly and efficiently, troubleshoot any issues, and give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing reliable support is always available.

Contact us to learn more about Segmentify!