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Ignoring “RETENTION” will be your ruination.

Now that I have your attention, I want to discuss the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) model—or rather, its missing piece.

Ken Condon speaking in front of a crowd at a conference.
A black and white photo of Ken Condon.
A badge for "Global Channel Director at Segmentify"

AIDA model is great for acquisition—

But loyalty is the missing piece.

Constant acquisition is expensive.

Constantly acquiring new customers to replace lost ones burns a hole in your budget. Marketing and advertising costs pile up, while loyal customers, who represent a much higher lifetime value, slip away. This cycle of churn might seem manageable in the short term. Still, over time, it erodes profitability and hinders sustainable growth.

Happy customers buy again!

AIDA gets them in the door, but happy customers buy again (and again). They not only buy again, but they become loyal advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth and boosting your reputation. Think about it: You invest heavily in attracting new customers, only to watch them churn. Wouldn’t it be smarter to cultivate a thriving community of happy regulars?

Data’s whispering secrets.

Are you listening? You can turn website clicks, social media likes, and email opens into a goldmine of insights. Personalised experiences keep them engaged, not just clicking. And Segmentify is here to help you unlock it all. Stop the churn, unleash growth. Let’s talk retention.

Constant acquisition is expensive.
Constantly acquiring new customers to replace lost ones burns a hole in your budget. Marketing and advertising costs pile up, while loyal customers, who represent a much higher lifetime value, slip away. This cycle of churn might seem manageable in the short term. Still, over time, it erodes profitability and hinders sustainable growth.
Happy customers buy again!
AIDA gets them in the door, but happy customers buy again (and again). They not only buy again, but they become loyal advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth and boosting your reputation. Think about it: You invest heavily in attracting new customers, only to watch them churn. Wouldn’t it be smarter to cultivate a thriving community of happy regulars?
Data’s whispering secrets.
Are you listening? You can turn website clicks, social media likes, and email opens into a goldmine of insights. Personalised experiences keep them engaged, not just clicking. And Segmentify is here to help you unlock it all. Stop the churn, unleash growth. Let’s talk retention.