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Why Choose Segmentify? Learn About the Doofinder Alternative

Considering switching to a Doofinder alternative? Compare Segmentify and Doofinder; discover how Segmentify’s additional features can help you build a 360-degree digital marketing strategy.

Key Features: Why Use Segmentify’s Internal Search Engine as a Doofinder Alternative?

Ditch lagging data, slow searches, and disjointed customer journeys. Segmentify’s lightning-fast Segmentify Analytics tool, personalised search box, and revolutionary Searchandising 2.0 make it the marketing automation platform you need to experience before committing long-term.

I. Ditch Lagging Data and Confusing Reports

Gone are the days of waiting 72 hours for Google Analytics updates. Segmentify Analytics delivers real-time insights every 30 minutes, giving you the freshest data on your brands, categories, and individual products. Forget confusing reports—Segmentify Analytics presents clear, actionable data that empowers you to be a proactive marketer, not just react to lagging indicators.

II. Leave Others in the Dust with Searchandising 2.0

Bye-bye sluggish searches and hello to lightning-fast results! Set up in just 2 hours, enjoy 50% faster searches and a codebase 30% lighter than the competition—no website slowdown here! Plus, with SEO-optimised search results pages and a mobile-ready search box, you’ll boost your rankings and keep users engaged from the first click.

👉 Tell more about this Searchandising 2.0.

III. Unify Your Data Points

Segmentify goes beyond search, seamlessly integrating your internal search box, Searchandising features, and search analytics with other marketing tools. Imagine this: You understand exactly what a customer searches for, then trigger targeted recommendations, relevant push notifications, and personalised emails based on their intent.

It’s the ultimate customer journey, orchestrated by you and Segmentify.

Real-Time Website Analytics
Customer Data Profiling
Predictive Analytics
AI-Based Behavioural Segmentation
Website Personalisation
Email Marketing
Push Notifications
Social Proof
A/B Testing
Suggestive Search, Synonyms, Typo Tolerance, Autocomplete☑️
Faceted Search Navigation☑️
Searchandising (Personalised Search Results)☑️
Auto Search Filters☑️
Multi-Index Search
(Display Non-Product Content in Search)
Geolocated Search*☑️
Real-Time Search Analytics☑️
Search Results Boosting☑️
Product Pinning and Exclusion in Search Results☑️
Native Search Box Design☑️
Mobile Friendly Search Experience☑️
Personalised Product Recommendations☑️
Multi-Language Support☑️
API Integration☑️
JS Integration**☑️
*Limited ability for both brands mentioned here.
**Segmentify JS integration can be done easily in only 5 days.

Why Should You Choose Segmentify as Your Personalised Marketing Platform?

Fuel customer journeys with real-time data, powerful search, and personalised experiences, backed by expert support:

Dedicated Account Management

Beyond the tools, Segmentify provides expert guidance. Dedicated account managers work with you to craft personalised Growth Plans aligned with your goals and conduct Opportunity Analysis (OPAN) to unlock hidden growth potential within your data.

Swift and Reliable Technical Support

Technical roadblocks won’t slow you down. Our team of experts is readily available to answer your questions, resolve any issues you encounter, and ensure you have the peace of mind that comes with unwavering support.