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Category: FinTech

What is FinTech? An Overview

If we stop and think about it for a second, FinTech plays a significant role in our everyday lives. On our way to the office in the morning, we stop by the local Starbucks for a cup of Joe and pay with the coffee chain’s app. Later in the evening, we hop on to an ...

27 Jan 2023
Best Payment Methods of All Time for Your eCommerce Store

The eCommerce industry has grown extraordinarily in the past decade. Since it has advantages like saving time, providing access to better product alternatives, and simplifying the buying process without even leaving your home, millions of people have started to choose online shopping over in-store shopping. The merchants are very well aware of this great potential ...

12 Sep 2022
Your Payments Strategy is Essential for Mobile and International Success with Adyen's Brian Mapley

Payments are a part of eCommerce that’s easily ignored – just leave it to the finance team. But they really shouldn’t be ignored. Sorting out your payments systems and strategy can have a fundamental impact on your business growth. Increasing conversions by giving the customers the options they want, making mobile payment straightforward, enabling overseas ...

24 Mar 2020
How Can Online Finance Services Utilise Personalization?

The finances sector may be one of the oldest industries on the planet, but that doesn’t mean it’s immune to evolution. The world has changed a lot, especially over the past decade. If your financial institution wants to remain competitive over the next decade, it must begin investing in personalisation. Digital Banking is Now the ...

16 Jan 2018