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Why Choose Segmentify? Learn About the Klevu Alternative

Considering switching to a Klevu alternative? Compare Segmentify and Klevu; discover how Segmentify is THE engagement and conversion rate optimisation platform.

Key Features: Why Use Segmentify as a Klevu Alternative for Conversion Optimisation?

With its unmatched arsenal of AI-backed personalised recommendation algorithms, cross-channel marketing solutions, and internal Search and Discovery features, Segmentify is a solid Klevu alternative for eCommerce growth.

I. Hyper-Personalised Recommendations: Segmentify’s CRO Advantage

Segmentify boasts a powerful AI-engine that delivers a comprehensive suite of 19 recommendation algorithms across 7 different page types. This unmatched flexibility allows personalisation like never before:

  • Variety: Choose from 19 algorithms designed for different goals, ensuring you have the right tool for every scenario.
  • Page-specific personalisation: Tailor recommendations to specific pages like product listings, category pages, and even the shopping cart.
  • Flexibility: Cater to all customer segments, from first-time visitors (using Smart Offers) to loyal customers (using You May Also Like).

II. Searchandising 2.0—Faster, Lighter, and Better Than Ever

Segmentify’s Searchandising 2.0 delivers unparalleled speed and performance:

  • Unmatched speed: 50% faster searches will leave users satisfied and more engaged.
  • Lightweight champion: Our codebase is 30% lighter, preventing website slowdown and maintaining top performance.
  • Quick start: Get set up in just 2 hours, maximising efficiency and minimising downtime.
  • SEO magnet: Attract more organic traffic with SEO-optimised search results pages.
  • Mobile-first: Our mobile-ready search box provides a seamless experience on any device.

👉 Learn more about Searchandising 2.0.

Email Marketing
Personalised Emails
Automated Emails
Triggered Emails
Web Push Notifications
Social Proof
Website Personalisation
Real-Time Website Analytics☑️
Customer Segmentation☑️
Personalised Internal Search☑️
Searchandising (Personalised Search Results)☑️
Faceted Search Navigation☑️
Internal Search Analytics☑️
Suggestive Search, Synonyms,
Typo Tolerance, Autocomplete
Search Results Boosting☑️
Product Pinning and Exclusion in Search Results☑️
Display Non-Product Content in Search☑️
Personalised Product Recommendations☑️
A/B Testing☑️
Multi-Language Support☑️
API Integration☑️
JS Integration☑️

Why Should You Choose Segmentify as Your Business Partner?

Craft personalised journeys with real-time insights, powerful search, and dedicated support:

Dedicated Account Management

You’ll receive dedicated account management, including personalised Growth Plans tailored to your specific goals and KPIs, and in-depth Opportunity Analysis (OPAN) to uncover hidden growth opportunities within your data.

Swift and Reliable Technical Support

Focus on growing your business, leaving technical hurdles to our experts. Our dedicated team is here to answer your questions, troubleshoot any issues, and provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have reliable support at your fingertips.