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5 Different Types of Customer Engagement Strategies

We’ve already talked about the significance of customer engagement for your business. In a nutshell, it is basically what makes a business successful. If you haven’t read our article regarding the subject, you may take a look before we dive deeper into it. And now, we move along in our series with types of customer engagement strategies and help you see the best way to engage your customers.

Key Takeaways

  • Active engagement both increases the time spent on your content and grants social proof for other prospects.
  • Social media platforms should be used for successful customer engagement in a variety of ways, from providing tailored customer service to boosting brand awareness.
  • Technology is evolving; so does eCommerce: interactive content reinforced by augmented reality and gamification encourages action and provides a fun and engaging customer experience.

Types of Customer Engagement 

1. Active Engagement

Active engagement happens when a prospect or a customer comments, shares and spends time on your content or website. They don’t just like your posts and continue scrolling, but interact with your online activities. The prospects who spend time engaging with your content are more likely to buy or continue buying from you. 

Another aspect of this type of engagement is that it draws more customers to your business. Many people seek additional information and positive comments about a business before they make a purchase from that business. Therefore, customer feedback through social media or the business website can significantly influence others and grow your audience. So, having a good content strategy for your business is vital to get customers to interact with you and improve customer engagement.

2. Passive Engagement

Passive engagement is when customers interact with you in a passive way, such as by liking a post or opening an email without further interaction. Those customers show themselves as mere numbers on an Instagram post or email open rate. They follow and react to your content in one way or another but don’t invest much time and effort into participating in your online activities.

3. Interactive Engagement

Interactive engagement, as befits the name, is a two-sided engagement. Though similar in many aspects, it differs from active engagement in terms of the content type it provides. Interactive engagement means that beyond leaving comments and emojis to your content, you and your customers communicate through interactive content that prompts action. 

Gamification and quizzes requiring a response or action are among the ways to better engage customers. In what follows, we will discuss how you can implement these strategies for good customer engagement.

5 Types of Customer Engagement Strategies

Let’s see some of the most impactful customer engagement strategies.

1. Social Media Strategies

Most customers like to receive information about a business via email. But you shouldn’t limit your messaging to it. A social media presence is a powerful way to create and improve customer relationships. 

You can use social media platforms for almost anything you want to share, from announcing your new products and providing tailored customer service to boosting your brand awareness.

Expanding your customer service into social media, making it omnichannel and letting the customer choose where to interact with your business helps you show that you care about your customers and build closer relationships. 

The feedback you get from customers provides insight into your products and lets you see in what ways you can improve them, contributing to your current and future business strategies. 

Boost your brand awareness, showcase your brand culture and build a community that will consist of your most loyal customers. Use social media platforms for everything you want your customers to know about. Stay informed about customers’ needs and wants and strengthen your relationship with them.

2. Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs make your customers feel appreciated for the effort and time they invest in your business. It also prompts them to continue their participation in any of your content.

Customers participating in loyalty programs are more likely to spread the word for you and recommend your products to their friends and family. 

Moreover, the rewards and points you will offer the customer occasionally appeal to their reward system, making it harder for them to churn. 

3. Gamification

Turning your content into games will be rewarding not only for your customers but for your business as well. Using gamification for your content makes it more attractive and fun, and urges a customer to interact with it. They will participate to win, making them remember you or even wait for another gamified content that would come from you. 

Scratch and wheel of fortune are two examples of implementing gamification on your website, emails or social media. This will increase the number of active followers and contribute to ongoing engagement. 

4. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality has caught on for the last several years and is favouring consumers at a large scale and, in turn, eCommerce businesses. Many businesses from various industries have been using AR to serve their customers better and provide them with an excellent shopping experience. 

Have you ever been worried that something you saw online and liked might not look good on you? Or did you have second thoughts about buying a couch or a lamp because you couldn’t imagine how it would fit in with the rest of your furniture? AR helps you with that and prevents the uncertainties that usually surround online shopping experiences. 

With ‘virtual try-on’ tools, you can now see how a piece of clothing or a make-up product would look on you or whether a piece of furniture would match the room.

Not only that, but you can also attract customers’ attention and offer them fun and engaging experiences by incorporating AR-based filters and games. Overall, AR provides enhanced customer support and an improved shopping experience, easing the process for the customer.

5. Personalisation

In our last article about the significance of customer engagement, we touched upon personalisation and how it results in profit. But let’s get into details and see some other vital points of personalisation. 

Personalisation basically works as a personal assistant that guides customers through their journey. But unlike a real-life assistant, personalisation in eCommerce (or at least that’s the case for us) doesn’t have to ask questions to know what the customer wants. This leaves customers satisfied and creates memorable experiences. 

Keep in mind that most customers get frustrated when they receive irrelevant messages and product recommendations. Indeed, with 80% of shoppers only preferring brands that provide a personalised customer experience, a business without a proper personalisation strategy is bound to fail or achieve little to no growth.

The Future of Customer Engagement

The future is almost here. With the last aforementioned statistic, it is already evident that people have been turning their backs on brands that don’t focus on building meaningful interactions and relationships with them. You have to constantly show that you care and try to find ways to optimise customer engagement. 

Turning Customer Engagement into a Priority

Aside from all those benefits it brings to your business, customer engagement has become a differentiator between a company and their competitors for a while now. And it doesn’t seem to change in the near future. 

Don’t waste any more time and see what you can do to improve your relationship with customers for great profits. Get in contact with us to learn about all the ways we can increase your customer engagement and leave your worries behind.

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