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Category: Email Marketing

How to Add a Human Touch to Your Email Marketing 

Does your company rely on email marketing? If so, you probably rely on an email marketing automation tool, too. And, yet, if you aren’t seeing the results you want, that software could be – at least partially – to blame. That’s because it can be easy to forget that emails sent with this technology often ...

26 Feb 2018
Use Abandoned Cart Emails to Boost E-Commerce Sales

Even if you’re lucky and hardworking enough to have a successful e-commerce store, you might be losing an important source of income without even knowing about it. One of the main sources of lost revenue for today’s e-commerce stores is cart abandonment. Potential customers in every industry have a tendency to browse through a website, ...

17 Nov 2017
6 Free Email Marketing Templates that Really Work

People think that e-mail marketing loses effectiveness on marketing strategy but they are wrong;Email is still in demand. E-mail marketing improves a lot, here are some examples: I may not be clear about the e-mail in the paragraph above. To clarify, let’s give some statistics and gain insight about e-mail marketing that every business owners ...

17 Nov 2016