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Category: Email Marketing

Black Friday Marketing Best Practices 2024

Black Friday might be just one day on the calendar, but it is only the beginning of the biggest sales season for eCommerce. It is the “unofficial” start of the shopping season because it’s closely followed by Cyber Monday and Christmas. This article will discuss the strategies you can use to elevate your Black Friday ...

04 Jul 2024
Email Subject Line A/B Testing Best Practices

Ahh, the subject line… The first impression, the battle cry that cuts through the noise and determines whether your message gets heard or deleted in a ruthless swipe… While some might find the art of email subject lines elusive and challenging, you should know that you have nothing to be afraid of—as long as you ...

15 Mar 2024
Finding That Sweet Sweet Spot: The Ideal Email Marketing Frequency

Much like courting, email marketing thrives on the delicate balance between rhythm and tempo. Send too many love letters, you overwhelm your lover. Send to few, you appear distant and disinterested. Striking the right balance, finding your ideal email marketing frequency, is crucial for fostering strong customer relationships and driving results. So, this article will ...

11 Mar 2024
Below 0.3%: How to Reduce Spam Complaint Rates

It’s an email marketer’s worst nightmare—ending up in the spam box.  It destroys your engagement metrics and email sender reputation. And it only gets worse from there. Because even if you take the necessary steps to correct a past mistake that got you in the spam folder in the first place, that is a red ...

08 Jan 2024
Answering YOUR Email Marketing Questions

No, email marketing is not dead. And yes, personalised emails are more effective than generic emails. But, let us choose the road less travelled today. This article isn’t about the same old email marketing FAQs or the benefits of personalised emails—been there, done that. Instead, we’ve handpicked five questions straight from you that cut to ...

20 Dec 2023
Top 3 eCommerce and Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

Nobody asked, but I’ll say it anyways: A digital marketer’s Roman Empire is the next “big” thing (not Metaverse) that will become the next Google (not Meta). Before anyone tells me the Roman Empire thing is already in the past, I am very much aware, but honestly? I couldn’t come up with a better introduction ...

15 Dec 2023
30+ Charming Valentine’s Day Email Subject Lines

Valentine’s Day is one of the most important dates in the business world. And whether in a couple or not, millions of people make purchases for the special day. In 2022, people spent $23,9 billion for Valentine’s Day. And all this amount didn’t only go to florists and fashion retailers. From pet stores to travel ...

12 Dec 2023
How to Write Effective Email Subject Lines (Best Practices)

Do you read every single email you get? If you are not a highly-driven reading addict, it is quite possible that you don’t. There might be many emails you leave unopened or send straight to the bin. What do you think is it that attracts you enough to open an email and intend to read ...

22 Nov 2023
10 Essential Email Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking

What happens to the email campaigns you send? Do they get lost in the digital abyss?  How do you keep track of them? Or are you keeping track of them? Join us for an adventure exploring the essential email marketing KPIs for a fruitful email marketing strategy.  But be careful, some of these metrics are ...

10 Nov 2023
3 Smart Christmas Email Examples to Inspire You

Consumers are expected to spend nearly $900 this Christmas season! For marketers, this really is no surprise. After all, Christmas is the biggest shopping season of the year. “Of the $875 consumers plan to spend, approximately $620 will be spent on gifts. Consumers are also budgeting another $255 for seasonal items like decorations, candy or ...

06 Nov 2023
Why Email Segmentation Matters

The very first email was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. Fast forward to today, email has become a powerful marketing tool. But with great power comes great saturation. People receive countless emails every day. And they won’t care about more than half of those enough to open them because they are irrelevant. But what ...

20 Sep 2023
Personalised Emails: Benefits and Examples

With innumerable promotional emails vying for your audience’s attention, how do you ensure that your message not only gets noticed but also sparks genuine interest?  The answer lies in email personalisation. Tailoring your emails to your audience is absolutely essential for achieving outstanding results in your email marketing efforts. It’s vital to ensure that your ...

23 Aug 2023