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Category: Email Marketing

Black Friday Email Marketing Strategy Best Practices 2023

Who here has their Black Friday 2023 shopping wishlist ready already? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️🙋 Black Friday is an eagerly anticipated shopping event both by brands and consumers. Consumers are excited because of the Black Friday deals, while brands are because of the many business opportunities the shopping event promises. Well, they might be onto something. In 2022, ...

04 Aug 2023
10 Tips for Optimising Email Marketing Conversions

An age-old strategy, email marketing continues to be a popular tool among digital marketers, as it is an effective way to convert prospects into customers. If used properly, it can generate a substantial return on investment (ROI). However, when used inefficiently, email marketing can be a waste of time and resources. The success of email ...

07 Feb 2023
How to Build an Email List that Converts

The oldest digital marketing channel, email, still retains a huge deal of influence on marketing. So, it is needless to say that you should set a good email marketing strategy. Not that we haven’t talked about email marketing and why it is so effective before.  To carry out those practices, however, you surely need an ...

10 Jan 2023
35 Mind-Blowing Statistics About Email Marketing

Are you somehow still not convinced of how vital email marketing is to your marketing strategy? Or do you think it’s a thing of the past? Well, email marketing is definitely bigger than you think, especially when it’s personalised. Without further ado, here are 35 email marketing statistics that you need to know: Email Marketing ...

27 Dec 2022
How to Personalise Your Emails in 3 Easy Steps

Want your customers and prospects to feel like you are talking to them personally? Then you must adopt personalised email marketing! Let’s discover how you can start email personalisation. 3 Steps of Email Personalisation  There are multiple steps to take when personalising the emails you send your clients. While you might not see the results ...

20 Dec 2022
What is Email Marketing and Why is It So Effective?

Everyone has a folder in their mail providers page dedicated to filtering and separating marketing campaigns we receive through email; however, we still click on a particular brand’s emails. What’s so special about that specific brand’s email?  What is Email Marketing? That brand that keeps you in the loop with emails that are engaging and ...

06 Dec 2022
Sending Personalised Emails Can Be Awesome for Increasing Conversions

Email Personalisation: How To Avoid Being Creepy Sending personalised emails can be awesome for increasing conversions. But, they can sometimes be intrusive for customers. Here’s how to avoid that. How do you talk to your customer to make them feel special? Duh, a personalised email of course. Email personalisation can be a powerful way to ...

20 May 2020
5 Ways You Can Use Email to Keep Your Customers Coming Back

From a digital perspective, there are many ways to market your ecommerce business – Google, Facebook, and the smaller, but no less powerful platforms of Instagram or Pinterest. All of these services represent outstanding avenues for generating new business. What if, however, you want to solidify your pipeline of repeat customers?  You know what we’re ...

10 Sep 2019
23 Ecommerce Personalisation Stats You Need to Know in 2019

It’s estimated that we will have 1.92 billion global digital purchasers by the end of 2019. It’s also estimated that ecommerce purchases will account for 13.7 percent of the world’s retail sales in 2019. (Statista) Actually, with a global population of about 7.7 billion people, that’s about 25 percent of the world’s population who will ...

16 Jul 2019
5 Ways to Turn One-Time Valentine’s Day Shoppers into Loyal Customers

As with many other holidays, Valentine’s Day brings in a lot of first-time shoppers for many online retailers. But what you should be focusing on should be ways to turn them into loyal customers. During these peak seasons, you probably have your online marketing game kicked into high gear, right? These new shoppers probably caught ...

13 Feb 2019
3 Hacks for Optimizing Your Email Marketing for Ecommerce Businesses

Email marketing is nothing new. It’s been around for quite a while. But the interesting thing about it, is that it is still innovating. While some people may have disregarded the impact email can have on your conversion rate in ecommerce, many companies have recognized the power of marketing automation. The reality is that if ...

27 Sep 2018
Essential Aspects of Great Abandoned Cart Emails

Getting customers to the checkout is not the finish line. In ecommerce, a serious amount of money is left on the table at the last moment, as online shoppers leave before completing their purchase. Abandoned cart emails are a sure way to remind your customers about your last interaction and convince them to complete their ...

29 May 2018