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10 Tips for Optimising Email Marketing Conversions

An age-old strategy, email marketing continues to be a popular tool among digital marketers, as it is an effective way to convert prospects into customers. If used properly, it can generate a substantial return on investment (ROI). However, when used inefficiently, email marketing can be a waste of time and resources.

The success of email marketing strategies relies heavily on the execution, the quality of the leads and email list, and many other factors, making it imperative to meticulously optimise your email campaigns for maximum efficiency.

Follow these tips to improve your conversion rates!

Key Takeaways

  • Rather than having a high number of emails, it is better to have a targeted and high-quality email list with lower numbers.
  • In order to provide a better-customised experience, 83% of consumers are eager to disclose their data.
  • People check 90% of their emails from their mobile phones. Hence, having a mobile-friendly version of emails is a must.

1. Ensure Your Email List is High-Quality and Targeted

A list of email addresses to whom you may send emails is the first thing a marketer would want to begin their email marketing campaign. Usually, the persons on this list of emails have permitted you to send them emails. This list can also be referred to as the subscribers’ list because these are the persons who have subscribed.

Having a high-quality and targeted email list is beneficial for email optimisation. You would want your email list to be the most relevant people. Rather than having a high number of emails, it is better to have a targeted email list with lower numbers.

Building an email list is crucial since it enables direct communication with your audience. These individuals are reachable by email since they have expressed interest in your material by subscribing. Therefore, be sure to maximise the use of your email list.

2. Keep Your Emails Short, Sweet and To the Point

Keeping emails short and sweet is a well-known marketing tip since people don’t read emails word for word but skim through them. Hence, you would want your audience to get to the point by skimming through in a couple of seconds. 

Concentrating on one main topic is better than giving loads of information. Keep the message brief and try to avoid addressing too many themes. Make the most of your brief period of the reader’s attention by creating a compelling call to action.

Since readers only skim through emails, keep body copy to brief paragraphs that are yet legible, ideally under 60 characters. We recommend using only a few images to emphasise your points because they are frequently more straightforward to comprehend than words.

3. Use Strong Call-to-Actions (CTA) in Your Emails

A CTA’s purpose is to motivate customers to take action. An email marketing call-to-action is a button or line of text that links to a brand’s preferred website. As previously mentioned, emails are a great way to contact the reader directly. Therefore, sending a call-to-action email would have a higher chance of motivating the customer to take action than other marketing methods.

4. Personalise Your Emails As Much As Possible

Personalised emails have greater open rates. Additionally, to provide a better-customised experience, 83% of consumers are eager to disclose their data. There is a broad range of personalisation techniques available.

In email marketing, personalisation is tailoring your messages to groups of particular clients and communicating with them in a personalised way. It may include the user’s name in the subject line, a discount offer on a specific group of goods they have previously purchased, or a recommendation that they visit a store close to where they are.

The primary personalised email marketing methods include having the customers’ names on the greetings part of the email. People like seeing and hearing their names; therefore, this action would make the customer feel special.

From the subject line to the email body, the content of the email and imagery can all be personalised according to the specific customer. The best-personalised emails are prepared when a proper customer segmentation is made.

5. A/B Test Your Email Subject Lines, CTAs, and Other Elements

A strong subject line is the most straightforward approach to increasing your open rate because it is the first thing your contacts see when you send them an email. A/B testing allows you to compare two subject lines to ensure you’re constantly giving your audience the most potent one.

A/B testing allows you to assess how version A of something—for example, your email subject line—performs compared to version B among an audience—for example, your contact list.

Read more: Email Subject Line A/B Testing Best Practices

Simple A/B tests include sending out various subject lines to see which one gets more opens. In contrast, more sophisticated A/B tests involve comparing different email templates to see which gets more click-throughs. A/B tests can range in complexity.

6. Make Your Emails Mobile-Friendly

People in today’s society are continually scurrying about due to their hectic schedules. As a result, they frequently use their mobile phones to check 90% of their emails. Therefore, it is essential to use responsive design while creating an email.

On the phone, emails are sent differently, occasionally resulting in their destruction before they even load. This can be avoided, though, and with a bit of forward preparation, you can make your emails as entertaining to read on a phone as they would be on a laptop screen.

While creating an email marketing design, it is necessary to have a mobile-friendly version to get the attention of mobile users.

7. Use Engaging Images in Your Emails

In addition to your email’s context and written content, the visuals are essential to get your message across and call for action. Visuals have a better probability of capturing attention than text does. It İs normal for individuals to pay attention to an image initially, but only if it grabs their interest. They can then read the contents of your email. 

Images that are powerful and pertinent come into play here. Email marketing is booming, but you must be able to attract attention and motivate recipients to take action. 

8. Take Advantage of Email Automation

Preparing and sending an email to every customer will be tiring and challenging. Therefore, many companies have decided to automate the email marketing process.

Email automation is using a marketing automation platform to deliver automated communications. Email automation eliminates time-consuming activities from your to-do list, giving you more time for essential tasks like answering client inquiries. Sending automated emails, especially after purchasing a product, will increase your customer trust.

Though this seems like a perfect solution, some automated emails might go to the spam folder. Therefore, it is crucial to prepare high-quality emails and avoid using spam words.

9. Use Segmentation to Send More Targeted Emails

By using predetermined criteria, email subscribers are divided into smaller categories through segmentation. Segmentation is typically used as a customisation strategy to offer more pertinent email marketing to subscribers based on their geography, interests, past purchases, and a variety of other factors. Instead of sending a single mass message to everyone, segments are made so that the marketer may particularly cater to each unique email list and that list’s independent interests.

When personalisation and segmentation of emails are used together, the best-optimised email marketing statistics are likely to occur.  

10. Keep an Eye on Your Email Metrics and Constantly Strive to Improve Them

Email Marketing KPIs, key performance indicators, are indicators of how well specific components of an email campaign are doing. You need to keep track of the rates at which the audience is consuming your content to improve your strategy. It’s important to keep an eye on every component of a campaign, even if most marketers look at their campaigns holistically. This might help you observe minute changes in consumer behaviour.

KPIs such as open rate, click-through rate (CTR), conversation rate and revenue per email are necessary indicators to better understand your campaign’s results.

Content can be prepared perfectly; however, it is useful when there are results. The best way to understand the results is via statistics.

Wrapping Up

Since emails build a one-to-one connection with the customer, they are more likely to be motivated to execute the action. As a result, email marketing can give high conversion rates if implemented correctly. 

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