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35 Mind-Blowing Statistics About Email Marketing

Are you somehow still not convinced of how vital email marketing is to your marketing strategy? Or do you think it’s a thing of the past? Well, email marketing is definitely bigger than you think, especially when it’s personalised.

Without further ado, here are 35 email marketing statistics that you need to know:

Email Marketing is Integral to Any Marketing Strategy

  • Global email usage peaked at 4 billion users in 2020 and is projected to reach 4.6 billion users by 2025. (Statista
  • In 2020, there were around 306.4 billion emails sent and received. By 2025, this number is anticipated to increase to 376.4. (Slack)
  • Email is the most efficient marketing medium, according to 47% of marketers, followed by social media (39%), SEO (33%), and content marketing (33%). (Influencer Marketing Hub)
  • The best day for email open rates is Monday, with a 22.0% rate. (Hubspot)
  • The worst day for email open rates is Sunday, which has a rate of 20.3%. (Hubspot)
  • According to 73% of millennials, email is their preferred method of business communication. (ClickZ)
  • Email newsletters have a 21.33% average open rate across all industries. (MailMunch)
  • 14.1% is the average click-to-open rate across all industries. (Klipfolio)
  • For content distribution, email marketing software is used by 85% of B2B businesses. (Meetanshi)
  • On Apple’s iPhone (29%) and Gmail (27%), emails are opened to the tune of 56%. (Litmus)
  • Due to deliverability problems, 11.1% of emails are never delivered to the mailbox. (Mailtrap)
  • Comparing Facebook and Twitter to email, the conversion rate is 40% higher. (Mailmunch)
  • The subject line length affects open rates in the following ways: 6–10 words (21%), 0–5 words (16%), 11–15 words (14%), and 16–20 words (12%). (LinkedIn)
  • Emojis in the subject line of emails have a 56% higher open rate. (Engage)
  • Because of the size of the email’s pictures, 74% of users discard the message if it doesn’t load in 5 seconds, which is more likely to occur. (Snov)

When Done Right, Email Personalisation Will Make You Shine

  • Consumers expressed a desire for their preferred brands to send them weekly promotional emails in 49% of the cases. (MarketingSherpa)
  • Globally, segmented campaigns received 100.95% more clicks than non-segmented emails. (MailChimp)
  • People claimed that 63% of the time, they check emails looking for deals. (Hubspot)
  • Revenues can increase by 760% as a result of segmented email campaigns. (Mortgage Innovators)
  • According to 74% of marketers, targeted personalisation boosts client engagement. (Campaign Monitor)
  • The open rates for welcome emails are the greatest (91.43%), exceeding other email marketing formats with an average CTR of 26.9%. (Smart Insights)
  • 60% of marketers track conversion rates, while 70% track click-through rates to gauge the effectiveness of their email marketing. (Tidio)
  • Consumers who receive email offers tend to spend 138% more than non-email offer recipients. (Search Engine Journal)
  • Marketers can generate 3x as much income from each targeted email than broadcast emails. (Swifterm)
  • An email’s personalised subject line helps 62% of emails get opened. (LinkedIn)
  • Emails sent in response to abandoned carts have a 45% open rate and a 21% click-through rate. Additionally, 50% of individuals who clicked on the link made a purchase. (Active Campaign)
  • Comparing automated emails to non-automated emails, the former generates 320% more revenue. (CodeCrew)
  • 50.7% of customers are influenced in their purchasing decisions by marketing and advertising emails. (SaleCycle)
  • Lead generation (85%), sales (84%), lead nurturing (78%), and customer retention (74%) are the top four uses of email marketing. (Snov)
  • 38% of customers and subscribers prefer to get promotional emails more frequently than once per week (61%). (Marketing Sherpa)
  • The primary advantages of marketing automation are: time savings (30%), creating leads (22%), increased earnings (17%), customer loyalty (11%), keeping track of marketing initiatives (8%), cutting the sales cycle in half (2%). (Hubspot)
  • In 2017, email list segmentation and personalisation were the most successful email strategies. (Campaign Monitor)
  • Compared to non-targeted campaigns, segmented email marketing campaigns have a 50% higher CTR. (Swifterm)
  • Better customer satisfaction (58%), greater CTR (75%) and increased open rates (82%) are the top 3 benefits of employing personalisation in email marketing. (LinkedIn)

Wrapping Up

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies that eCommerce companies can implement. When these emails are personalised towards your customers, this is even better.

Stay tuned for our next article about the Email Marketing KPIs you should absolutely know!

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