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Category: Push Notifications

How to Unsubscribe from Web and Mobile Push Notifications

This guide will walk you through unsubscribing from push notifications on different platforms, enabling you to customise your settings and find the ideal balance between staying informed and maintaining focus. How to Unsubscribe from Desktop Web Push Notifications How to Cancel Push Notifications in Google Chrome on Windows and macOS The steps for unsubscribing from ...

24 Nov 2023
How to Increase Push Notification Opt-Ins

Push notifications are an indispensable part of app engagement. Because they are just so good at getting the users’ attention, push notifications let you directly reach and re-engage app users even when they are not actively using the app. Though getting the users to opt-in for push notifications can be a bit tricky, there’s always ...

18 Oct 2023
All You Need to Know About Web Push Notifications

Mobile telephones and the Internet modified our lives in greater ways than one. As telephones and pagers advanced into glossy smartphones and laptops, manufacturers found out that the high-quality manner of interacting with clients is in the gadgets they use each day. Enter internet push notifications.  What are web push notifications?  If you’ve subscribed to ...

08 Jul 2021
4 Ways to Maximise your Push Notifications Strategy

Push notifications have been a key part of ecommerce strategy for some time now in an effort to distinguish a brand from the overwhelming number of competitors out there. Marketers have celebrated the use of push notifications as a way of increasing retention and actively increasing re-engagement.  With open rates of 90%, their open rates ...

30 Jul 2019
5 Ways to Turn One-Time Valentine’s Day Shoppers into Loyal Customers

As with many other holidays, Valentine’s Day brings in a lot of first-time shoppers for many online retailers. But what you should be focusing on should be ways to turn them into loyal customers. During these peak seasons, you probably have your online marketing game kicked into high gear, right? These new shoppers probably caught ...

13 Feb 2019
A Better Retargeting Strategy: Best Uses of Different of Push Notifications

The world wants quicker solutions. Considering that 80% of all internet users own smartphones, and many of them grab their device first thing in the morning, it’s easy to see why people have become accustomed to instant gratification. Just a quick click or press of a button is all that’s needed to get where you ...

15 Jan 2019
5 Big Benefits of Push Notifications in Ecommerce

In digital marketing, things rarely stay the same for long. Whether it’s new competitors or changing customer preferences, the landscape is always shifting. For many companies, there is a perpetual quest to be faster and more responsive. Advances in technology certainly make that easier, and today, marketers are spoiled for choice when it comes to ...

29 Nov 2018
A Complete Guide to Popup Recommendations

Popups can lead to success or failure based on the way they are used.When done correctly, you can convert visitors into paying customers. And when continued over time, first-time customers will turn into repeat customers. Popup recommendations can play a crucial role on this when you picked the product to be recommended intelligently. Yes, popups appearing all ...

21 Sep 2018