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4 Ways to Maximise your Push Notifications Strategy

Push notifications have been a key part of ecommerce strategy for some time now in an effort to distinguish a brand from the overwhelming number of competitors out there. Marketers have celebrated the use of push notifications as a way of increasing retention and actively increasing re-engagement.  With open rates of 90%, their open rates are 50% higher than that of email marketing.

Furthermore, the click rate for push is 7 times higher than email marketing, according to a recent study.  So the question remains …why are ecommerce brands still hesitant to jump on the push notification bandwagon?

Many still feel they would be intrusive or disruptive to the shopping experience and don’t want to take the risk of driving users away. That’s why we decided to look at the top 5 ways to maximise your push notifications strategy and how best to use push to create engagement and ultimately, sales.

New product announcements

When you have new products to announce, push notifications can be a great way to let the right audience know about them. With much higher open rates than almost any other channel, you can create segments based on previous purchases and on-site activity to ensure it gets their attention. One way to ensure you get repeat engagement is to create a sequence of campaigns to launch the product using a teaser counting down to the date of launch. It creates a buildup and also uses gamification to get the visitors excited about your upcoming launch.

Push Notification Example

Abandoned cart recovery

One of the biggest issues ecommerce brands still have to face is the dreaded abandon cart problem. We know that ecommerce companies face off against the issues of shopping cart abandonment more than they’d like.

A big portion of shopping cart abandonment is part of typical consumer shopping habits according the Baymard Institute. In fact, they report that 2 out of 3 shopping carts are abandoned by online shoppers. Sometimes the shopper gets distracted and needs a reminder that their basket will be expiring or they’re taking a minute to compare pricing on other sites. In most cases, adding items to your cart indicates a higher potential for purchase. With a personalised push notification reminding the shopper of their basket, it becomes much easier to get them to the checkout. 

Push Notification Example

Personalised offers, price drops and discounts

Personalised offers can go a long way in building a relationship with your customers. If a user has spent some time on a particular product page, then sending them an instant push notification with a 10% discount if used in the next 30 minutes will help move them to the checkout. Keep in mind that sometimes visitors add products to their wishlist and wait for the price to drop.

Visitors can be price sensitive and a notification whenever there is a price drop can be a great way to encourage purchase. Personalised offers were a huge part of the success Segmentify achieved with customer Joseph Turner, resulting in an increased 30% AOV.

Push Notification Example

Authentication from anonymous users

Online stores get authentication from anonymous users by encouraging them to create a login and offering incentives like discounts and reduced pricing. Authentication is a vital part of any commerce business since it can aid analysing visitor behaviour. Once a user has given authentication, the ecommerce site tracks all actions on the website.

Moving forward, the business can use the information collected to personalize messaging, notifications and create proper and effective segments. Retargeting your customers when they’re not on your website is a huge advantage against competitors and easily done by a click of a button. If you’d like to try a 2 week free trial and find out if Segmentify is right for your business, book a demo with our customer success team today! 

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