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Website Personalisation? 6 Tips to Get You Started!

If you happen to be a beginner in the world of digital marketing, you might be not familiar with website personalisation quite yet. It is a popular buzzword used in the digital market space and a key factor for achieving increased conversion. Website personalisation refers to the process of delivering customised looks, features, offers, and experiences that accommodate the unique needs of an individual.

Why is website personalisation important?

There is evidence that 74% of consumers feel frustrated when they don’t receive personalised content while on a website. For this reason, if you want to succeed in digital marketing, website personalisation should be a “must-have” tool. There are more ways you can benefit from website personalisation including;

  •     Improving brand loyalty
  •     It is responsible for increased engagement rates
  •     You get a better understanding of buyer personas, demographics, and purchase patterns
  •     Increases conversion rate
  •     Leads to improved cross-sells and up-sells

Save your website visitors the trouble of having to browse through countless pages to find what they need. Instead, offer them the options and offers that they need the moment they land on your page. What better way is there to do this than by personalising your website! Here are 6 tips to get you started. 

Understand why you need website personalisation

The first thing you should do before you start on website personalisation is discovering why you want to do it. Don’t personalise it just because your competitors are doing so, for the sake of it, or because you can. Do it with a purpose. Ensure that personalising your website will help your customers as well as your bottom line. Personalisation with a purpose will not only improve the customer experience but also increase conversions as well as add value to your digital marketing strategy.

Know your personas

Personas are fictional characters created to provide a reliable representation of the different users who might visit your site, products, or services. Creating personas helps you understand the needs, behaviors, experiences, and goals of your users. Therefore, knowing your personas will help you provide your actual users with content that is valuable to their specific needs.

Personas are created using comprehensive research on the behaviors of multiple individuals. The data collected is used to represent the rest of the audience. It helps you to understand characteristics such as; What is your buyer’s motivation? What information do they need? What makes them want to purchase from you? Why did they suddenly abandon their cart? Such information will help you provide products and services that resonate with actual customers pain points, which then leads to increased conversions and revenue.

Your target audience

You can achieve effective website personalisation if you understand who your target audience is, what they want from you, when they want it, and how they want to get it. You can tell who your audience is by looking at how they arrived on your site. You can tell the gender, age, or demographics of the visitors.

With that information, you can tailor your website to provide content and offers that are relevant to them. You will then provide them with the exact product that meets their exact needs. There will be improved satisfaction for your audience and better business results. You can also leverage tools such as Google Analytics to obtain more information about your audience.

Offer personalised product recommendations

You have already established that your website attracts visitors from all walks of life. The best way to ensure you are relevant to every visitor is by giving all visitors personalised experience. Provide them with recommendations that solve their pain points and needs. Use the customers’ data you have collected to segment them into distinctive groups where you can give recommendations they can’t ignore. In addition to providing the visitors with the product they want, present them with more products that are related or used together with the item they wanted. You will make the best out of the digital market.

Offer personalised content

Gone are the days when homepages served the same content to all site visitors. If you want traffic to continue flowing to your site, tailor your content to meet the customers’ individual needs. Provide them with content that will be valuable and relevant to them. Monitor the keywords your visitors use to find your site or the pages they’re clicking, and you can tell exactly what content will match their intent. Use dynamic content blocks to ensure every user gets that which suits them. Dynamic content blocks adapt the content based on a visitor’s lifestyle, country, language, and many other factors.

Measure the effectiveness of the personalisation

Like with any other strategy you have put in place for your website, you need to track the performance of your website personalisation tactics. Don’t do guesswork or make assumptions about the success of your website makeover. Do A/B testing to know how visitors are responding to the new elements. You will know what is working for you and what to remove. It will also help you correct more data that you can use to optimise your site personalisation further. As a result, your customers will receive the best experience and as well boost your sales.

Last Words

Website personalisation is a big deal today. If you are not using it for your website, you are missing out. It is all about data collection and leveraging this to provide products that sell themselves. Personalisation is a very profitable tool you can’t afford to ignore. It allows your visitors to have a personalised experience while simultaneously improving your conversions. Also, it allows you to stand out from the crowd. What are you waiting for? Use the above tips to help with this. They are easy and simple to implement. Get started right away!

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