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In Search of Meaning: Why Do We Search for Everything on the Internet?

At least 8.5 billion Google searches are done per day. Hey, you have probably done several searches today, even to pass by this blog. Let’s take a journey together to learn why we search for everything online.

Key Takeaways

  • An Internet Search is a submission to a search engine that produces sponsored and organic results.
  • Google receives 100 billion queries per month.
  • The main three reasons why we search are: Research, Shopping and Entertainment.
  • The top 5 search results globally in 2022 were “youtube”, “facebook”, “whatsapp web”, “google” and “gmail”, respectively.

An Internet Search is a submission to a search engine that produces sponsored and organic results. Ads at the top and bottom of the page are considered paid results and labelled as such. The unmarked results that show up between the advertisements are the organic results.

How Do Internet Search Engines work?

Search engines use web crawlers to index billions of pages. Crawlers, also called spiders or bots, search the Internet for new pages by following the links. After that, these pages are placed in an index from which search engines get results.

Both organic results from the search index and sponsored results from advertisers are available on search engines. While advertisers can pay to appear in the paid results, they cannot pay for organic searches. The advertiser compensates the search engine every time someone clicks on a paid search result. Market share is significant because of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. More users translate into more ad clicks and money.

Why Do We Search for Everything on the Internet?

Google receives 100 billion queries per month. As a result, we understand what people search for and where, when, and how they search. A significant portion of this data is made available freely and openly on our Google Trends website. 

However, the what, where, and when of Search only tell half of the story; understanding why is the key to realising Search’s full power and potential. The main three reasons why we search are as follows:


Most of us have used search engines to research to discover information or answers to questions. A searcher can be looking for a response to a query or a fix for an issue.

We attempt to educate ourselves on a particular subject to interact with the world. Examples include figuring out what causes heartburn, training your dog, or the house-buying procedure.


The finest resource for learning more about a good or service you are thinking about is now the Internet. Search engines are used by people all over the world to research products before purchasing them.

Online shopping has been commonly widespread since the 2010s, and with the push of the pandemic, it has increased rapidly. People search for items, services or other things to buy from search engines, check prices, process orders or even compare items.


The Internet is, without discussion, the biggest entertainment tool for everyone starting from a young age. People search for entertainment, whether online or offline, depending on the person.

You will almost certainly find more information online, whether it be about a music event, a night out, or a tourist attraction. A person searching can be looking for a physical, brick-and-mortar firm.

Most Searched Words on Google in 2022

Most searched words on Google in 2022 listed as followed: youtube, facebook, whatsapp web, google, gmail, amazon, translate, google translate, tractor, hotmail.

What’s Next?

Internet search is not leaving our lives anytime soon; in fact, it will become more and more widespread. New variations are coming up: Image Search, Voice Search, Mobile Search and Local Search. 

Tune in for The Evolution of Search & the Customer Journey in the next article!

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