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Top 9 Q-Commerce Predictions for the Next Decade

Q-commerce came into our lives with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is growing steadily and is anticipated to grow by 24% between 2020 and 2024 to reach $20 billion in the MENA region. 

A high number of the startups that were established during the pandemic were Q-commerce businesses. They will continue to increase and have a market share in the eCommerce industry. So let’s get on with the top Q-commerce predictions anticipated for this industry’s future.

Key Takeaways

  • Q-commerce is anticipated to grow by 24% between 2020 and 2024 to reach $20 billion in the MENA region.
  • The future for Q-commerce companies holds that there will be focus more on mobile commerce and perhaps abandon their desktop websites.
  • Location based services are also improving for Q-commerce, customers will have more precise information about product and shipping regarding specific stores.

1. Increased Mobile Adoption

As the name suggests, Quick Commerce is supposed to be quick and easy. The most convenient way for customers to buy their needs is with their smartphones or tablets. Mobile commerce is the most commonly used by Q-commerce businesses, but this is just the beginning.

Q-commerce companies will focus more on mobile commerce and perhaps abandon their desktop websites. They look for ways to make their customers’ buying experience as convenient as possible. 

2. Augmented Reality Shopping

Augmented Reality (AR) bridges the gap between traditional and online buying. Online and mobile commerce were the only modes of digital connection in the pandemic-driven scenario during the 2020s.

Augmented Reality has already opened the way for the most immersive and engaging shopping experience in the retail industry and has emerged as an era-defining technology. The shopping experience has undergone a seismic shift thanks to AR. AR is at the top of the list of technologies selected nowadays when hiring app developers to create cutting-edge mobile apps for mobile commerce.

The primary function of AR technology is to use the smartphone camera to identify an object or marker and provide extensive information about it. The particulars may involve converting the object into a three-dimensional form or adding additional layers of information to the product to feel its detailed features. With a picture of a product in a store, you can use an AR-enabled app to view it in three dimensions with all its intricate nuances. Q-commerce businesses are expected to benefit from AR’s amenities. 

3. Personalised Shopping Experiences

Personalisation is the key to customer satisfaction for Q-commerce businesses. These companies offer their services to customers who want to find what they are looking for and buy it quickly.

Mobile application personalisation can be done in many ways. The homepage, search areas, and product pages – including product recommendations, reviews, and ratings – can be fully customised according to the visitor and their previous data.

Offering relevant coupons to visitors who require one to make a purchase is another way to encourage the visitors to become customers. Personalised emails and push notifications are also necessary to keep the customers reminded about new products, deals and sales.

4. Virtual Reality Shopping

Virtual Reality (VR) is known as a visually immersive environment. Unlike Augmented Reality (AR), it relates to 360-degree movies, images, or product demonstrations. Additionally, it can relate to a more sophisticated headset VR made possible by gadgets.

QR codes will become more mainstream, and buying a product will be as easy as scanning a QR code. With these codes, people will be able to visualise the products in a 360-degree way, in addition to having a more straightforward purchasing process.

5. Increased Social Media Integration

Social media is one of the main marketing channels for Q-commerce companies since it increases brand awareness. Allowing social network users to log in with their social networking identities is the simplest method to ensure a pleasant online experience. Since users won’t need to register a new profile on your Q-commerce site, they may save a few keystrokes in this way. Less work required translates into less time spent and fewer conversion stages.

Another benefit is that people may share reviews and comments on your items on their preferred social networking site more quickly when they utilise their social network profile on your website. Finally, having access to their social data through a social login enables you to target their desires and requirements in marketing campaigns.

Integration is a two-way process. You may direct visitors to your website by being on the inside, which is just as vital as persuading them from the outside to do so through recommendations. At this point, the data and communication on your social network page are pretty important.

Most Q-commerce websites are active on one or more social networking platforms. Although it takes a lot of work, it is ultimately worthwhile, mainly if you can stream client feedback and testimonials back to your website. A visitor’s decision to convert might be significantly influenced by seeing how amazing other customers find your items.

6. Location-Based Services

Location is crucial for this industry. In the future, location-based services will likely become more popular in Q-commerce. These stores will have apps showing different products from different locations. And the delivery time, amount of products and product selections will be given to the user. This way, visitors will have more precise information about the stores.

7. Improved Search Engine Optimisation

Web stores may rank better in search engine results using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for Q-commerce. High-quality content and a well-designed, optimised website will rank higher in search engines like Google, boosting the store’s visibility and generating visitors.

SEO is to expand your brand’s reach, be seen by your current consumers, and be discovered by new customers. Q-commerce sites need to be optimised so that when your clients seek a solution, Google will propose your app.

Only 40% of apps are discovered via app store searches; the remaining 60% are found via other means, including personal connections, social sharing, ads, business websites, other search engines, and more. You must thus consider decent SEO if you want to appear higher on the list of suggested applications.

8. Improved Shipping Options

The pandemic has influenced many industries, the delivery industry has become more efficient, and a lot of competition has arisen, affecting the prices. The Q-commerce firms contract with or engage delivery personnel based on particular routes and times of the day, such as morning, afternoon and evening. They even categorise the zones inside a city according to how many deliveries must be made there.

According to the number of deliveries, it makes sure that each zone receives an adequate number of last-mile delivery partners. These delivery companies are tracked using GPS technology, and they are also rewarded for making timely deliveries. Furthermore, many businesses even distribute several delivery orders to the delivery partner according to the location and distance of the goods. As a result, deliveries take less time to complete, and the delivery person isn’t forced to go back and forth.

9. Increased Focus on Security

The main determinants of how Q-commerce security changes are how, when, and where people purchase. The prevention of chargeback fraud and payment security cannot stay static, as we now understand. You must rely on something other than past successes to continue working in the future.

Demands from merchants, issuers, and acquirers must be considered in the brand-new omnichannel experience that meets customer expectations. Payment security must keep up with the rapid advancement of sales technology to defeat fraudsters and anticipate possible pitfalls.

The matter of security will become more critical for Q-commerce stores and will have quicker and easier identity checks and payment verifications. 

Wrapping Up

Q-commerce is growing rapidly, as its name suggests. The recent pandemic has shaped consumer behaviour, and people have become more impatient with their orders. Many high-speed delivery startups have been established during the past few years, whilst the Q-commerce stores have gained more market share.

Segmentify offers the best personalised solutions to Q-commerce websites and applications to increase website traffic and grow conversation rates. With Personalised Search, Q-commerce websites can fully personalise and customise their search boxes and search results depending on the visitors’ search and previous data. Contact our team to book a free trial and try our exceptional solutions!

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