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3 Scenarios You Can Implement with our Fly Mode Feature

When someone says customer engagement, we immediately think of livechat and phone-support. No, we don’t. But we would if this was 2008.

Well, in 2018, no one talks on the phone anymore, and chatbots have long replaced real human interaction to be able to scale with the ever growing ecommerce craze. Coming up with new and innovative ways of engaging with your customers to stand out in the competition will definitely give you a chance to increase your sales through clever communication.

That’s why we developed Fly Mode for you. With our Fly Mode module, which is available in personalized emails and personalized push notifications, you can automatically communicate with your customers while they’re still on your website. Some might call this on the fly…

Here are 3 scenarios you can implement to your business practices and make profit from clever customer engagement:

1) Remind your anonymous visitors about their abandoned-carts

Exit Intent Popup

You spend time and money on your marketing campaigns to drive some traffic to your online store. If you still haven’t discovered the ecommerce magic that is personalization, only around 2% of those visitors end up as paying customers.

The rest usually leave a bunch of abandoned carts behind, filled with products they have actually showed interest in. There may be tens of different reasons why customers fail to complete their purchases. They might suddenly decide to behave and wait for the payday, they might receive an urgent phone call and the list goes on…

Here is what you can do:

Right when the visitor is about to leave, you can kindly offer to remind about the items she’s leaving behind with a simple popup and ask for her email address. This is especially beneficial around busy holiday times like the upcoming Black Friday – a curse and a blessing – during which you welcome thousands of new visitors on your online-store. This way, even though you might not convert them right away, you’ll still have established a bond with first-time visitors that would have been otherwise long gone!

Keep in mind that email subscription rates for ecommerce businesses are around 4%, so trying new ways to expand your mailing list is not a bad idea, either. You will also seize every little opportunity to increase your online revenue by recovering the abandoned carts.

2) Show some special love for your high-end customers


Let’s face it, not all customers are created equally. Some like to come to purchase a tshirt every 3 months, and some like to renew their whole closet every month! And don’t we just love the ladder?! They deserve a bit of your time.

Whenever a customer’s cart amount is more than £1000 (the amount is totally up to you), add them to your golden list and notify your sales employees on the spot. What’s next?

A sales employee can call this new Golden Lister and try to upsell over the phone by informing her about new campaigns reserved for the Golden List, only. Or if the Golden Lister just decides to complete his purchase some other time, your sales employee can call him right away to convince him to come back.
This is actually a great example for when you can use technology to not replace but enable better human interaction.

3) Customers like to browse, help them choose


According to our data, 60% of online visitors first do a detailed search before they make up their minds to make a purchase. And it’s no surprise, considering the fact that online shopping is now an onscreen equivalent to going to the mall. So, before they put out their credit cards, customers like to window shop.

Especially for high-value purchases that are worth more than the average but likely to be worn again and again, we like to take our time. And that sometimes means opening a million tabs to have a closer look at, before we actually take the next step at one of them.

Why not send the an interest list to your customers? Prepare a simple interest list with product images, names and prices and email it to your customers on the go. It is all about simplifying the customer journey, so don’t make your customers look for the same products twice.

While, you’re at it, add a few personalized recommendations to the list. Make sure the CTAs on the email are loud and clear, so they can add the products to their baskets with just one click.

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