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How to Convert 5 Common Types of Ecommerce Customer

Know your audience. No doubt you’ve heard it before, but taking action to really understand your customers is something that many companies still fail to do. In the current digital landscape, that’s a mistake that can cost your company a lot. It’s nearly impossible to establish a foothold in any industry if you don’t really know your customers.

When faced with stiff competition, it is the companies that make concerted efforts to understand their ideal online customer who will rise above the rest. The best way to do this is by creating buyer personas.

What are Buyer Personas?

Buyer personas are templates of your ideal customer. While they are fictional representations of each individual buyer profile in your target audience, the information included in these profiles is very real, and very applicable to your marketing. Great buyer personas consider a lot about your audience, including:

  • Demographic data such as age, sex, location.
  • Personal interests
  • Social media behavior
  • Purchasing habits
  • Psychological triggers

Having specific profiles of the different people you are catering to improves ecommerce personalization, facilitating greater alignment between your marketing and sales strategies. Most companies won’t have a single ideal customer, but with several well-defined personas, your company will be exponentially more successful at building a loyal customer base.

Despite having several profiles, you can still retain a consistent, unique brand voice that resonates with each segment of your audience. Considering every element of your content, widgets and UX, you can add ecommerce personalization at every turn, which engages all your buyer personas. This can effectively offer a new, personalized version of your website for every visitor.

How to Convert 5 Common Types of Ecommerce Customer

More than 70% of companies who exceed their goals for revenue and lead acquisition have documented buyer personas. For the online shopper, ecommerce personalization makes a big impact on their experience. It’s a real game-changer. Here are five buyer personas your company should look out for, and some insights on how to convert them into customers.

1. Discount Chaser

Who doesn’t love a good deal? Many online shoppers are turned off by shipping costs and high prices. These mercurial customers have no loyalty to any one brand or business – they just want the best bang for their buck.

By paying close attention to their online behavior and previous purchasing, you can engage discount chasers with timely emails and pop-ups that offer special discounts. Some smart label recommendations personalize their experience.

If you really want to hook them, try giving them early access to deals. This will create a more exclusive feel for your customers, which is a great way to nurture brand loyalty.

2. Impulsive Instagram Shopper

The rise of visual platforms hands considerable power to ecommerce store owners. Not every online shopper is the same, and therefore, great writing doesn’t wow all site visitors.

Some people are more enticed by powerful imagery. From the widgets and graphics, to video tutorials and professional photos, you can use visuals to add a lot of weight to your value proposition. Studies indicate that people remember about 50% of visual content, compared to just 10% of text-based pages. Don’t stop at words. Make sure you use great images to make your brand more memorable on social media and on your ecommerce store.

3. The Procrastinator

In a mobile-mad world, there are plenty of people who peruse online stores, adding items at will, before disappearing without completing the purchase.

Sometimes it comes down to a confusing checkout process or the online shopper being overwhelmed by too many options. Whatever the case, it can lead to a lot of abandoned carts, which is a real headache for any ecommerce store owner.

You can tackle this problem in several ways. Firstly, it’s important to engage people with relevant recommendations. You can do that by using smart offers, which increase ecommerce personalization, making it cheaper for companies to secure new leads. Another method is to send abandoned cart emails. Sometimes all that is needed is a simple reminder and easy road back to the checkout.

By improving the UX from start to finish on your online store, you can simplify the buyer’s journey to boost customer satisfaction.

4. The Last-Minute Shopper

The fear of missing out (FOMO) can play on the minds of online shoppers, especially millennials. As they are constantly using their mobile devices, it’s easy for them to browse through online stores when they are on the go.

Making a purchase is only a few buttons away, with minimal touchpoints involved. This is especially true when they have the app for an online store. Companies can leverage FOMO by first nurturing a relationship with these customers, then by reaching out on special occasions such as their birthday.

Clever wordplay that highlights scarcity can drive conversions. For example, telling your customers that your new line of limited edition sports trainers are “Selling Out Fast” can instill that fear in them. Target focused on earning more from last-minute shoppers before Christmas by offering free shipping, right up to the big day.

5. Researcher / Browser

This is one of the most common buyer personas in any industry. The researcher will dig deep before making any purchase, considering all the information and angles, including:

  • Product description and features
  • FAQ sections for the product
  • Customer reviews and ratings
  • Images and video content

Writing powerful product descriptions is essential, as you need to provide prospects with all the information they need to make a decision. Furthermore, don’t underestimate the value of having reviews and feedback from previous customers. More than 80% of people seek the opinions of friends and family before making major purchases. Social proof matters, which means there is a lot to be gained if your company can learn how to leverage it.

Find Your Place In Your Customer’s Life with Buyer Personas

Taking the time to craft detailed profiles for your ideal customers is a smart move for any ecommerce company. Buyer personas act as a guide, so you can continually target the pain points of your audience, and offer tailored solutions, regardless of where each customer is in the buyer’s journey.

Ultimately, this enables you to engage different types of online shopper, and show them just how your solution fits into their lives. In the long-run, this type of ecommerce personalization will earn a much greater ROI for your company.

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