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Segmentify 2018 Wrap Up – A Year Full of Data

Segmentify Wrap Up 2018

It’s been quite an outstanding year for ecommerce all over the world. According to the latest Internet Trends Report by Kleiner Perkins, global usage of internet reached 50% by the end of 2018, making half of the world population an active internet user. In other words, there are nearly four billion people with £2.5Tn to spend.

For an online store this makes every other person on earth a potential customer, so many to handle. The biggest challenge is how to optimize an online shop to please millions of visitors. And it’s been proven again and again over the years, this is only achievable through smart personalisation supported by continuous machine-learning.

Online shopping habits change day by day, and just trying to keep up with those changes is not enough. You have to be able stay one step ahead of your customers with smart predictions that will actually guide and navigate their shopping experience for them. Luckily, Segmentify analyses the customer behaviour data to generate accurate predictions about the next steps you should take for you. states that ‘how well companies analyse data may determine their success as online consumer shopping habits continue maturing.’ So, let’s have a look at how we did at analyzing data to deliver an improved ecommerce experience for our clients and their customers throughout 2018.

13.32B shopping experiences were personalised this year

We are now helping 150+ ecommerce businesses from more than 10 countries to optimize their online stores for their visitors’ unique tastes and increase their conversion rates. As our reach grows, we continue to improve our platform to fit the needs of different marketing strategies and industries. Our clients have grossed £31B online revenue this year with a solid 10% contribution from our personalisation campaigns.

Our onsite personalisation widgets were displayed to 13B ecommerce visitors, resulting in a total annual reach of 13.32B, including millions of personalised emails and push notifications we have sent.
311M online visitors from more than 20 different countries all over the world have interacted with our onsite personalisation campaigns, resulting in a 35% widget impression rate for Segmentify.

Onsite Recommendations are always in demand.

During the past 52 weeks, it was once again proven that personalised product recommendations are still holding the key to customers’ hearts. In fact, £13B worth of items were added to basket and £412M worth of them ended up being purchased through our product recommendations last year.

By displaying the right products to the right customers, we generated an average 12.5% conversion rate for our clients, resulting in an average 10% contribution to their online revenue! Simply put, through Segmentify personalised product recommendations, our clients had the power to convert 1 in every 8 visitor to a paying customer.

Total count of the items added to basket reached 24M resulting in a 15% overall basket rate, meaning that an average ecommerce customer added 3 items to her basket for every 20 items she’s shown – just show the right items to her!

Email Never Gets Old

Yes, even in 2018, email was still one of the top marketing channels when you’re looking to create effective retargeting campaigns. After all, obtaining new customers cost 7 times more compared to retaining the existing ones.

Online customers are extremely used to getting bulk emails however, and in order stand out in their inboxes against competition, you need to come up with personalised content. No worries, though. Creating customer segments, or even better, using dynamic content in your email campaigns still does the job. And people still read their emails!

In 2018, we have sent 2.5M emails, which were read by 743K unique customers. According to Jack Simpson’s Ecommerce Email Marketing Report on Econsultancy, open rate of marketing emails are around 23.4%. By personalising each email for individual visitors, we reached an open rate of 32% in our email campaigns in 2018.

The same report also states that click-through rates in email campaigns are on average 17%, whereas our 2018 data shows us that by personalising the content a 20% click-through rate is quite achievable.
£519M worth of items were added to basket and £613K worth of them ended up being purchased with a 25% basket rate and 17% conversion rate – which is typically around 6% in email marketing! Ecommerce email marketing conversion rate is around 1%, whereas our triggered email campaigns supported by advanced machine-learning technology, reached a 17% conversion rate.

Push Notifications Continue to Climb

Push notifications have showed us that it’s not the size, but the £4M uplift they brought in just 12 months that matters. 120M push notifications were sent in the past year with 47% campaign impression and 53% click through rate.

Localytics’ The State of Push Notifications 2018 report states that bulk push delivery has shown a decrease of 20% between 2015 and 2017, but within the same period triggered segmented push notifications’ delivery increased from 65% to 85%. This shift towards more target-oriented marketing announcements shows that the whole ecommerce communication is starting to focus on the diversity of customer tastes.

The same report states that bulk push notification impression rate is usually around 2%, whereas segmented push notifications reach an impression rate of 6%. Through accurate segmenting, targeting, and distribution of the right campaigns, we have achieved a segmented push notification impression rate of 47%!

Click-through rate for our push notifications also reached 53%, significantly overshooting the average 8.8% CTR for segmented push notification campaigns. The near six-fold performance increase was made possible by our effective deliverability, thanks to smart optimization of send times and lifetimes of campaigns. As for conversion rates, while the usual numbers wander around 1.95%, we reached a solid 8% conversion rate from our push notification campaigns.

2018 Segmentify Peaks

According to eMarketer’s Future of Retail 2019 research, ecommerce sales is expected to grow 15.1% to $605.3 billion in the US. So, before we start to embrace ourselves and our servers for the upcoming year, let’s have a look at some of the best results we got in the previous one. Onsite personalised recommendations continued to be the rockstar of online retail marketing.

  • On one of our clients’ online store, our campaigns reached a 99% widget impression rate. Meaning that 99% of their visitors got to experience a fully personalised shopping thanks to our machine-learning.
  • We managed to provide a 87% basket rate for one client. That shows that out of every 100 products clicked on a Segmentify widget, 87 of them were added to the basket.
  • We reached a 22% conversion rate. For every 100 visitors, 22 purchased an item recommended on a Segmentify widget.
  • We contributed 31% to a client’s online revenue. While calculating the contribution, we stand for full transparency. Only if a customer clicks on a product recommended by a Segmentify widget and purchases the product within the same session, we count is our own contribution.
  • Our last peak is here to remind us all that online retail is going stronger than ever. We have detected that the highest Segmentify contributed item count in one single customer’s basket was 516. Yes, you read that right, 516 items in just one basket!

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