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Category: Customer Engagement
3 Scenarios You Can Implement with our Fly Mode Feature
When someone says customer engagement, we immediately think of livechat and phone-support. No, we don’t. But we would if this was 2008. Well, in 2018, no one talks on the phone anymore, and chatbots have long replaced real human interaction to be able to scale with the ever growing ecommerce craze. Coming up with new ...
3 Hacks for Optimizing Your Email Marketing for Ecommerce Businesses
Email marketing is nothing new. It’s been around for quite a while. But the interesting thing about it, is that it is still innovating. While some people may have disregarded the impact email can have on your conversion rate in ecommerce, many companies have recognized the power of marketing automation. The reality is that if ...
A Complete Guide to Popup Recommendations
Popups can lead to success or failure based on the way they are used.When done correctly, you can convert visitors into paying customers. And when continued over time, first-time customers will turn into repeat customers. Popup recommendations can play a crucial role on this when you picked the product to be recommended intelligently. Yes, popups appearing all ...
4 Psychological Reasons Behind 4 Segmentify Algorithms
In digital marketing, psychology plays a great role. Ecommerce personalization is key to connecting with your customers today, but there is more to just speaking directly to your audience. You need to really know them, and understand just how to persuade them into making purchases. That’s where consumer psychology and marketing mind-games come in. With ...
4 Segmentify Campaign Types to Turn Things Around on Your 404 Page
We hate to break it to you, but 404 pages are inevitable in any e-commerce store. In fact, the more complex your store gets, the higher the risk will be. 404 Pages are the blind alleys of your website, but they don’t need to be the last stop for your visitors if you have a ...
How to Convert 5 Common Types of Ecommerce Customer
Know your audience. No doubt you’ve heard it before, but taking action to really understand your customers is something that many companies still fail to do. In the current digital landscape, that’s a mistake that can cost your company a lot. It’s nearly impossible to establish a foothold in any industry if you don’t really know ...
Take Hold in Your Marketplace with a Unique Brand Voice
Establishing a foothold in the market place is far from straightforward. It is natural for marketplaces to sprawl and evolve, welcoming visitors from different demographic backgrounds as more products and campaigns become available. Ecommerce companies need to do plenty of background research on the existing landscape in order to define their brand communication strategy for their ...
How Offline Data Can Boost Your Ecommerce Success
Offline data is not to be forgotten in the ecommerce world. Successful ecommerce personalization rests heavily on the insights gained from customer data, and it may surprise some to learn how much they can gain from gathering information outside of the internet. By bringing your offline data back into the picture, it’s possible to strengthen ...
How Ecommerce Personalization Will Prevent Low ROIs
Getting traffic is only the beginning. You need to convert those visitors to customers after they arrive on your site, otherwise the return on investment (ROI) won’t be worthwhile. Unfortunately, many ecommerce stores fail to do this. High expenses on marketing get harder to justify if it doesn’t yield the desired results. Luckily, this common ...
How Can Ecommerce Companies Turn Negative Comments to Their Own Advantage?
In ecommerce, building strong customer relations is essential. When people are doing online shopping, they aren’t going to buy just anything from a site without doing a little research first. That research has a singular goal: Can the company be trusted to satisfy the potential customer’s needs? Companies who foster trust with their target audience ...
Essential Aspects of Great Abandoned Cart Emails
Getting customers to the checkout is not the finish line. In ecommerce, a serious amount of money is left on the table at the last moment, as online shoppers leave before completing their purchase. Abandoned cart emails are a sure way to remind your customers about your last interaction and convince them to complete their ...
Three Unique Solutions for Three Different Sectors
As your customers move down the conversion funnel, starting from your Homepage and continuing to your Category Page, the next place they will come to is your Product Page. This is where they actually get to view the products they love, and touch them through their screens. E-commerce websites with good track records on converting ...