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Category: eCommerce
5 Writing Techniques to Improve Ecommerce Personalization
Writing copy for ecommerce stores goes far beyond simple product descriptions. You can’t just describe what your products are. In fact, if you do that, you’ll be lucky to sell anything at all. Why? Because nobody wants to be sold to. People don’t like hard sales pitches. Moreover, it’s dull and uninspired. And that kind of writing won’t catch anyone’s ...
The Price Perception in Ecommerce
The essential core of successful ecommerce personalization is about offering genuine value to your customers. For customers to really appreciate that value, you must influence their perception on prices. This is a common marketing technique that is used throughout the service sector, such as bars using happy hours. The goal is to get customers to ...
5 Answers to 5 Key Questions About Ecommerce Personalization
Ecommerce personalization is no gimmick. Over the past few years, it has found its way into the heart of online marketing. Now, online retailers are battling with and learning from one another, all attempting to bring the most personalized service to their audiences. Machine learning allows ecommerce companies to deliver personalized product recommendations that actually get ...
Why Ecommerce Personalization is Survival of the Quickest
Customers aren’t hanging around anymore. Reports on the attention span of online customers varies, but the common consensus is that we don’t have long to engage them. Many claim that people who are online shopping wait around for as little as eight seconds before deciding to navigate away again. Eight seconds. That’s all the time an ...
Your Checkout Success Page is Where Loyal Customers are Made
The checkout success page is the final step in the customer purchase cycle. Although it seems like it’s the least important of the Big Five, it’s actually very important. It’s the make or break page when it comes to turning first-time shoppers into occasional customers, and occasional customers into loyal ones! Imagine having a friend ...
How Offline Data Can Boost Your Ecommerce Success
Offline data is not to be forgotten in the ecommerce world. Successful ecommerce personalization rests heavily on the insights gained from customer data, and it may surprise some to learn how much they can gain from gathering information outside of the internet. By bringing your offline data back into the picture, it’s possible to strengthen ...
The In-Between Step: Basket Page and How to Effectively Evaluate It
Moving down the conversion funnel, the basket page is the last stop before your online customers complete their purchases. If your customers are already on the basket page, this means that you’ve done a good job convincing your customers to stay on your homepage, walk through your category pages, visit your product pages, and find ...
How Ecommerce Personalization Will Prevent Low ROIs
Getting traffic is only the beginning. You need to convert those visitors to customers after they arrive on your site, otherwise the return on investment (ROI) won’t be worthwhile. Unfortunately, many ecommerce stores fail to do this. High expenses on marketing get harder to justify if it doesn’t yield the desired results. Luckily, this common ...
How Can Ecommerce Companies Turn Negative Comments to Their Own Advantage?
In ecommerce, building strong customer relations is essential. When people are doing online shopping, they aren’t going to buy just anything from a site without doing a little research first. That research has a singular goal: Can the company be trusted to satisfy the potential customer’s needs? Companies who foster trust with their target audience ...
Essential Aspects of Great Abandoned Cart Emails
Getting customers to the checkout is not the finish line. In ecommerce, a serious amount of money is left on the table at the last moment, as online shoppers leave before completing their purchase. Abandoned cart emails are a sure way to remind your customers about your last interaction and convince them to complete their ...
Three Unique Solutions for Three Different Sectors
As your customers move down the conversion funnel, starting from your Homepage and continuing to your Category Page, the next place they will come to is your Product Page. This is where they actually get to view the products they love, and touch them through their screens. E-commerce websites with good track records on converting ...
10 Personalied Product Recommendation Techniques to Improve UX
Personalized product recommendations aren’t the results of a lucky guess. Ecommerce personalization is all about tracking data from each individual visitor and matching them to their corresponding micro-segments to make well-informed recommendations on the basis of visitors’ online behaviors, browsing history and a mapping of their tastes and needs. With proper analysis, ecommerce stores can ...