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5 Reasons You Won't Want to Miss The eCommerce Growth Show

Do you have an eCommerce business that you want to drive sustainable growth in? At Segmentify, we are proud to introduce our eCommerce Growth Podcast to help you achieve exactly that. The episodes in the series contain lots of handy advice on driving your business forward effectively. But why should you sign up for it today?

You’ll get a full 360-degree view on eCommerce

There are many aspects involved to not only setting up a successful eCommerce business but also driving growth. It is critical to have a full overview of these major factors to help your business progress. The eCommerce Growth Show Podcast series will give you a 360-degree view around online shopping with takeaways for your organisation. From how key picking the right platform is to how vital personalisation, email and payment choices are, the episodes will give you a complete outlook.

You’ll find the right way to find the best partners

Finding partners can really help any eCommerce business step up to the next level. Working with other companies can help you to reach more customers and increase your brand presence. The important thing is to find the right partners. You need ones that will scale and transform with your business while also continuing to innovate themselves. Our eCommerce Growth Show Podcast episodes will explain how you can find the right people to work with.

You’ll learn strategies that can help raise your eCommerce profile

All business owners know that having a strong profile is key. Maximising this will help your company to reach more consumers and stand out from the competition online. With so many methods you could try though, you might need a little help. This podcast series will explore big growth ideas and new ways in which you can optimise the customer journey. We will also look at business strategies that deliver positive business outcomes, specific to eCommerce brands. 

You’ll hear from the experts

Don’t just take our word for it! We have brought together some of the leading names and brands in eCommerce to offer expert advice on growth. Chloe Thomas will be kicking things off as host of the eCommerce Growth Show podcast series as well as the respected eCommerce MasterPlan podcast. We will also have a host of experts from leading companies like:

Needless to say, some of the team from Segmentify will also be sharing their knowledge across the episodes also – we’ll even have our very own Phill Kay (Partnerships Director at Segmentify) co-host alongside the magnificent Chloe Thomas.

If you’re looking for a quick peek inside what the eCommerce Growth Show has to offer, have a listen to our newest trailer which offers a view into what you can expect from episodes!

You’ll walk away with tips, tricks and hacks that you can apply immediately!

As well as the above, the information you pick up will be perfect to use immediately in your own business. With so much expert advice, you will find many useful tricks to try within your business such as using push notification at optimal times, what shipping can mean for the consumer or how customer segmentation can help you make more of an impact.

So, what are you waiting for? If you have an eCommerce business and need advice on making it grow, sign up today. Register to get exclusive early access to episodes before they are released publicly and let us help you take your brand to the next level.

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