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Category: Segmentify

Google Optimize Sunset: Everything You Need to Know

Ready or not, Google is pulling the plug on its testing platform on September 30, 2023. You, dear reader, and other Google Optimize users are probably left wondering what this means for your business. What happens to your experimentation program once Google Optimize and Optimize 360 are gone? Or how can you choose the best ...

31 Aug 2023
Personalised Emails: Benefits and Examples

With innumerable promotional emails vying for your audience’s attention, how do you ensure that your message not only gets noticed but also sparks genuine interest?  The answer lies in email personalisation. Tailoring your emails to your audience is absolutely essential for achieving outstanding results in your email marketing efforts. It’s vital to ensure that your ...

23 Aug 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Gamification in Marketing

Whether it’s the thrill of conquering a virtual realm or the satisfaction of unlocking new levels, the allure of games is universal and timeless. This intrinsic love for games has birthed an ingenious digital marketing strategy — a secret weapon for increasing brand awareness and customer engagement. Imagine infusing the excitement of a game into ...

14 Aug 2023
eCommerce Gamification: Meaning, Examples and Uses

Why do we like SuperMario? Why did we spend all those hours trying to save Princess Peach? What made us come back to it? Was it because Mario’s world was so much more desirable than our own reality? Sure, escapism might be the reason why some people love video games; however, the real answer is ...

03 Aug 2023
Cross-Selling vs. Upselling: Definitions, Examples, and Tips

Here’s a million-pound question: Which strategy, you reckon, is better: Cross-selling or upselling? While both strategies involve increasing revenue by encouraging customers to spend more than they initially planned, they differ in their approach and goals.  In this article, we’ll explore the differences between cross-selling and upselling and provide insights on which strategy may work ...

19 Jul 2023
Unlocking ROI with Real-Time Analytics | Webinar Notes | Melisa Çakır Suskun

On 27 April, Segmentify and Launch came together for the latest edition to eCommerce Growth webinars: From Data to Revenue. The webinar consisted of two parts: The following are our notes from the first half of the webinar. Meet Melisa Çakır Suskun Formerly the Director of eCommerce for brands like Decathlon and English Home, Melisa ...

24 May 2023
GA4: Everything You Need to Know Before July 1, 2023 | Webinar Notes | Ian Lewis

On April 27, Segmentify and Launch came together for the latest edition to eCommerce Growth webinars: From Data to Revenue. The webinar was made of two parts: The following are our notes from the latter half of the webinar. Meet Ian Lewis  Starting his digital marketing career in SEO, Ian Lewis is currently working as ...

09 May 2023
Segmentify Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Report 2022

Although we have appreciated the values of sustainable development since our company was established, we have decided to present our stand towards sustainable development professionally in 2022. Supported by the training on Sustainable Development and SDGs by experts from academia, we have identified the specific SDG targets during an SDG analysis. We ensured that our ...

13 Apr 2023
Leader in eCommerce Personalisation, Search and Analytics

Segmentify is a Customer Engagement Platform that enables brands to provide hyper-personalised customer experiences. Leading brands like Puma, Ebuyer, Intersports, Celtic, Samsung, Carrefour, Mediamarkt and IKEA choose to work with us because our solutions offer them the chance to personalise and customise on-site and cross-channel marketing campaigns. G2 reports illustrate our ability to orchestrate customer ...

24 Jan 2023
Product Zoom In: Social Proof

Imagine a scorching summer’s day. You desperately want some ice cream, and there they are—two ice cream shops next to one another! However, one is completely empty, while the other has a big queue. Which one would you choose? The shop with the queue, right? Did you ever stop to think why? The answer is ...

12 Jan 2023
How to Improve Search Relevance in 9 Steps

Getting irrelevant and meaningless results for your search query is frustrating. Needless to say, a lot of prospects are lost this way. There are ways to improve search relevance, though. Are you taking notes? What is Search Relevance? Search relevance is the degree of the accuracy of the relationship between the search query and the ...

03 Jan 2023
Beginner’s Guide to Web Push Notifications

Push messages are a critical part of omnichannel communication strategy. Did you know that you can increase your ROI up to 150% if you use them effectively? There are several ways to make the best out of this channel. Let’s learn how! Personalise, Personalise, Personalise The first rule of personalised communication is this: Don’t over-communicate. ...

19 Dec 2022