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How to Effectively Use Pop-Ups in eCommerce [+Teknosa Success Story]

Every eCommerce marketer wants to get the attention of their visitors. One of the best ways for this is to use pop-ups. With different designs, colours and messages, pop-ups are, without argument, one of the most effective marketing strategies for eCommerce websites.

Let’s get on with our Pop-Up blog article about its definition, different types, statistics and advantages, and important points to consider whilst creating a pop-up campaign. Also, check until the end for a short success story from Teknosa!

What is a Pop-Up?

Pop-ups offer products to consumers as they browse related articles or pages on your website. They do this by displaying products from your range that would be complementary to the item your buyer is now contemplating. 

Pop-ups draw attention to the content that the eCommerce business wants to show to the visitor. The information can include deals and sales, product recommendations, basket notifications, basket reminders, sign up now, new categories/arrivals, free shipping announcements, discounts for new members, or “follow us on social media” reminders.

9 Different Types of Pop-Ups

1. Product Recommendations

Providing product recommendations with pop-ups is a great way to get the visitors’ attention regarding different products.

Complementary Products

Pop-ups are useful for cross-selling, a successful revenue booster during checkout, but it works best when you give customers a strong incentive to spend more. By showing complementary products, visitors will increase their basket sizes and also spend less time looking for these products.


As the psychological effect of Social Proof suggests, people believe that if a product is selling well, there is a good reason behind it. Recommending the best-selling products is always an excellent way to get attention.

Alternative or Similar Items

In the cases where the product being viewed is out of stock, alternative items can be shown to keep the visitor on the website. Similar items to the original item will be helpful for the visitor to find what they are looking for.

2. Personalised Coupons

Personalised coupons can be sent to visitors via email, SMS, push notifications and pop-ups. Coupons are a great way to win new customers; therefore, showing them in pop-ups will increase the likelihood of visitors trying out the coupons and the products.

3. Cart Abandonment Reminders

eCommerce websites can remind their to-be customers about the forgotten items in their baskets. Pop-ups with cart abandonment reminders can help notify customers about their baskets and speed up the checkout process.

4. Deals and Sales

Many different deals and sales can be present at an eCommerce store; however, the visitors must be aware of these deals. Even though it is not entirely related to the item the visitor is viewing, websites can show pop-ups of the current deals to let them know about the discounts.

5. Free Shipping Announcements

One thing that surprisingly affects sales rates is shipping information. Customers can decide to cancel their high amount of orders just because of shipping fees. Therefore, providing free shipping announcement information via pop-ups is excellent news for your visitors!

6. New Arrivals

Marketing new products can be a compelling process. All marketing branches can be made more practical, especially with the usage of pop-ups. Why not promote your new arrivals to people already viewing your website? Visitors clicking your pop-ups will be able to check out the latest arrivals, resulting in higher conversion rates.

7. Sign Up for the Newsletter

Most eCommerce websites use pop-ups for newsletter sign-ups. This way, websites can collect email addresses of possible customers and promote their products or services with email marketing.

8. Special Discounts for New Members

Turning visitors into customers can be a lengthy process. Like tester products in cosmetics stores, eCommerce websites offer discounts for new members to try out the products for a lower price—the lower the price, the more possibilities for visitors to buy the items. The pop-ups for new members generally include email information from the visitor to sign up and receive an email about the discount, which also enhances the email list for additional marketing activities.

9. “Follow us on Social Media!” Reminders

Many eCommerce sites are active on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter and TikTok. By linking pop-ups to your social media accounts, companies can get more traffic and interaction to their social media. This would increase social media presence and recognition. 

Advantages of Pop-Ups: Why Should You Be Using Pop-Ups? Let’s Talk Stats!

Pop-ups are the best way to grab your visitors’ attention to whatever you want them to see! eCommerce websites can tailor their pop-ups towards what you want to sell more, what the deals are and customise when they are shown to the visitors. 

In 2022, the average conversion rate for a pop-up is 11%. This ratio in mobile applications was over 11%, whilst it was just under 10% for desktop pop-ups.

One of the best-performing pop-ups is cart abandonment pop-ups. The conversation rate is around 17%. This is because visitors do forget items in their baskets whilst looking for other products or even leave the page. Therefore, cart abandonment reminders notify the visitors about their baskets. These pop-ups are shown both before exiting and whilst the visitor is less active and looking at other pages.

Pop-ups are also excellent for collecting emails from prospective customers. Email marketing is a vital marketing tool for eCommerce companies. That’s why companies give importance to collecting emails. However, visitors are unwilling to give out their emails to eCommerce websites. Pop-ups give them reasons to give out that information with discounts and newsletter sign-ups.

Pay Attention to These When Designing a Pop-Up


As mentioned above, pop-ups are the best way to draw attention to your content. Your pop-up should fully suit your website design regarding colour, symbols and visual content.

Using bright and contrasting colours for your pop-ups will increase the likelihood of clicking. Websites should avoid using one colour on their pop-up. If this is necessary, different shades of a colour can be used. CTA Buttons should be bright, bold and attention-grabbing.

Content and the Message

The content of the pop-ups should be short and sweet, clear and brief. The pop-ups should be to the point with more visual content than written content.

Buttons and CTAs

Pop-ups can create urgency for the visitors and encourage them to participate in the campaign as soon as possible. Visitors will experience a sense of urgency with a simple timer at the bottom of the pop-up. FOMO marketing is an effective marketing strategy to sell products in a certain period of time.

Collecting Emails

Pop-ups can be used for different purposes; increasing sales rates, collecting emails etc. When visitors open the website, pop-ups can ask for their email addresses and offer them a certain amount of discount, new member benefits, or newsletter subscriptions.

Importance of A/B Testing

A/B testing is necessary to measure the effectiveness of the pop-up campaigns. With the results of these tests, you can decide on the most effective campaign, design and colours. 

Audience Segmentation

Pop-ups can be fully personalised and promoted to specific audiences. For example, an eCommerce company can only want people’s emails from a particular region. Moreover, pop-ups can be personalised regarding the specific visitors’ previous searches, likes and data. 

Using Accurate and Meaningful Information

Pop-ups are widgets where you give on-to-the-point information and draw attention with bright colours and visual effects. Therefore, the information on the pop-ups should be accurate and meaningful. There’s no need for extended, out-of-context information. 

Decreasing Exit Rate

Using pop-ups before visitors exit your site is one of the most effective ways to keep visitors on your website and turn them into customers. These pop-ups can be cart abandonment reminders, “check this product out” notifications, personalised coupons, discounts and links to new deals and sales.

A Success Story for Consumer Electronics: Teknosa Boosts Revenues by 5x with Segmentify!

The eCommerce Electronics industry is a rapidly growing industry. Most popular products for this industry include smartphones, personal computers, tablets, music players, gaming consoles, televisions, monitors, printers, and electronics accessories such as headphones, microphones, speakers, chargers, and watches. 

The biggest beneficiary of the pandemic was the electronics industry. The sector expanded due to the increase in demand for electronic gadgets. According to 40% of international electronics businesses, the electronics sector was COVID-19’s largest winner. 22% of all eCommerce sales are made up of gadgets and computers for consumers.

Out-of-stock products constitute a big problem for consumer electronics. However, visiting products with no stock left was not the last stop for Teknosa’s visitors! Teknosa is an electronics eCommerce company offering a high range of products from phones, computers, televisions, audio, and household appliances. 

On the left, the text says, “Use Pop-Ups to Keep Visitors on Out of Stock Pages”. On the right, an out of stock product on the Teknosa website is being viewed and a pop-up recommending similar products is shown.

Using Segmentify’s personalised solutions, Teknosa had a 5x more revenue uplift. Segmentify’s intelligent algorithms have recommended visitors the alternatives for the out-of-stock product with a pop-up triggered by an exit intent.

We have started an A/B test to analyse the pop-up effect, and there has been a 5x more uplift compared to showing nothing on out-of-stock product pages.

Join Segmentify for the Best Pop-Up Campaigns for Your eCommerce Website

At Segmentify, we offer the best personalised solutions for eCommerce websites to increase their conversion rates. Personalised pop-ups are essential to grab the visitors’ attention and turn them into customers. Contact us to book a free trial and try out our personalised pop-up campaigns, among many other personalised solutions for an end-to-end customer experience. See the results in 2 weeks!

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